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Power of a Care Package: How Hospice Comfort Kits Can Make a Difference

January 5, 2023 | Hospice


As a hospice nurse, I have cared for many patients and their families during their end-of-life journey. One patient, John, stands out in my mind as a testament to the power of hospice comfort kits.

John was a retired truck driver in his mid-80s who had been diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer. Despite his solid and resilient personality, John struggled with physical pain, anxiety, and loneliness as he faced the end of his life. How could he find comfort during this difficult time? Could a hospice comfort kit make a difference?

The hospice comfort kit program is an initiative that provides care packages to hospice patients and their families filled with items such as personal care products, comfort items, entertainment items, communication tools, and spiritual resources. The goal is to provide physical, emotional, and spiritual support to those facing end-of-life challenges.

With the help of the hospice comfort kit, John was able to find some much-needed relief and comfort during his final weeks. He used the personal care items to maintain his hygiene and the comfort items to relax and feel more at ease. The entertainment items provided him with hours of enjoyment, and the communication tools helped him stay connected with loved ones. Most importantly, the spiritual resources helped John find solace and peace during a difficult time.

As I watched John benefit from the comfort kit, I was reminded of the powerful impact these care packages can have on the well-being of patients and their families. It was a genuinely heartwarming experience that I will never forget. John’s story is just one example of how package kits can provide comfort and support during a difficult time. So, what are you waiting for? Consider supporting e-kits or similar initiatives today.


What are hospice comfort kits?

Hospice comfort kits, also known as e-kits, are care packages often given to patients receiving hospice care, a type of palliative care provided to people who are terminally ill. The purpose of hospice care is to provide comfort and support to people in the final stages of a terminal illness, and hospice comfort kits are one way to help accomplish this goal.

Comfort kits may include various items, such as personal care items, comfort items, and items to help with symptom management. Personal care items include lotion, lip balm, and tissues. Comfort items could include items like blankets, pillows, and scented candles. Symptom management items might include pain medication, nausea medication, and throat lozenges.

In addition to physical items, e-kits may include resources for emotional and spiritual support, such as information about grief and bereavement and contact information for support groups and counselors.

The goal of comfort kits is to provide practical support and comfort to patients and their families during difficult times. They can be a valuable resource for people receiving hospice care and help make their experience more comfortable and less stressful.

Ed & Ar Hospice Care is a hospice care organization that provides medical care and support to individuals who are terminally ill and have a prognosis of six months or less to live. Our team consists of doctors, nurses, social workers, chaplains, and trained volunteers, who work together to provide physical, emotional, and spiritual support to the patient and their family. This can include managing pain and other symptoms, providing emotional and spiritual support, coordinating care with other healthcare providers, and offering support and resources to the patient’s family.

Ed & Ar Hospice Care also provides comfort kits to patients, which contain items such as lotions, creams, and other personal care items to help the patient feel more comfortable and cared for. 

It is important to note that the specific items included in a hospice comfort kit at At Ed & Ar Hospice Care may vary depending on the patient’s individual needs and preferences. 

As a team, we strive to provide the best possible care and support to our patients and their families during this difficult time.


Benefits of Using a Hospice Comfort Kit

Hospice comfort kits are designed to provide physical and emotional support to patients and their loved ones during the hospice process. These kits typically include various items that can help alleviate physical symptoms, provide emotional support, and create a more comfortable environment for the patient.

Some of the physical benefits of using an e- kit may include

  • Pain relief

Many hospice patients experience pain as a result of their illness or treatment. e-kits may include pain medication or other products to help alleviate discomfort.

  • Soothing skin

Dry, itchy skin can be a common problem for hospice patients. A survival kit may include lotions, creams, and other products that can help to moisturize and soothe the skin.

  • Comfort items

Emergency kits may include items such as blankets, pillows, and other comfort items that can help to create a more comfortable and cozy environment for the patient.

In addition to providing physical comfort, e- kits can also help to provide emotional support and comfort. 

Some of the emotional benefits of using a may include:

  • Distraction

Emergency kits may include books, puzzles, and other activities that can help to distract from difficult emotions and provide a sense of normalcy.

  • Spiritual support

Some kits may include prayer books or journaling materials to help provide spiritual and emotional support.

  • Emotional support

An e-kit may include resources and materials to help patients, and their loved ones cope with difficult emotions such as sadness, anxiety, and grief.

The Ed & ar hospice team is committed to providing the highest quality hospice care to our patients. Part of this care includes providing hospice comfort kits tailored to each patient’s specific needs and preferences. 

Our comfort kits are designed to provide physical and emotional support to patients and their loved ones during the hospice process. Our team works closely with patients and their loved ones to ensure that our comfort kits are tailored to meet their specific needs and preferences. We are dedicated to providing comfort and support to our patients and their loved ones during this difficult time.


How to use a comfort kit 

To use a comfort kit, follow these steps:

1. Identify Patient Needs 

Some patients may prefer certain items over others, so it’s important to ask the patient or their family members what they would like included in their comfort kit.

2. Gather Necessary Items

Depending on the patient’s needs, the kit may include items such as lotions, chapsticks, blankets, tissues, and other items that can provide comfort and alleviate symptoms.

3. Organize Kit

Consider grouping items by type (e.g., skin care, comfort items) or organizing them in a way that makes it easy for the patient to access what they need.

4. Explain Kit Use

Some patients may need assistance using the items in their kit, so it’s important to provide clear instructions and be available to help if needed.

5. Check In Regularly

See if the patient needs additional items or if they have any questions about using the items in their comfort kit.

6. Ensure Access

Keep the kit within reach of the patient or ensure that a family member or caregiver can assist the patient in accessing the items they need.

7. Don’t Hesitate to Ask for Help

If you need help with how to use a particular item in the comfort kit or if you need assistance with anything else related to hospice and palliative care, feel free to reach out to a member of the healthcare team.

At Ed & ar Hospice Care, our team of dedicated professionals is committed to providing the highest quality care to our patients. We understand the importance of comfort and dignity during the end-of-life journey, and we strive to provide the support and resources our patients need to feel comfortable and at peace.

If you or a loved one requires hospice or palliative care, we encourage you to contact our team to learn more about the services we offer.


Statistic on comfort kits on reducing pain on patents 

According to various studies, up to 90% of terminally ill patients experience pain, making it a widespread and frequently severe problem for cancer patients. In a trial using comfort kits, the amount of pain was reduced by 2.25 points on a scale from 0 to 10 in the 24hrs following usage of the packages, according to research done by the pharmacy department at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center. In the 24 hours following adoption, patients used pharmaceutical pain treatments less frequently overall and walked more.

In a study by the Association for the Study of Pain, 51 medical professionals from 24 different nations assessed 1,095 cancer patients who were experiencing extreme pain. Ninety-two percent of these patients (92.5%) experienced one or more difficulties that were directly related to their disease, while 20.8% experienced pains brought on by cancer treatments. 5.9 months on average were spent in pain, and 66.7% of patients said their worst physical pain was at least 7 out of 10. 

  • visceral lesions (28.1%), 
  • soft tissue infiltration (28.3%), 
  • peripheral nerve injuries (27.8%) 

These are the most prevalent types of pain syndromes. Breakthrough pain, physical grief, and reduced performance status were all predictors of deteriorating pain.

Our teams are well-equipped to assist in managing cancer pain and any other terminal illness and to provide support to patients and their families during this challenging time.



In conclusion, hospice comfort kits are often given to patients receiving hospice care at Ed & Ar Hospice Care. These kits can provide various physical and emotional benefits, such as pain relief, skin care, and emotional support. They may include a range of items, including personal care items, comfort items, symptom management items, and resources for emotional and spiritual support. 

The goal of comfort kits is to provide practical support and comfort to patients and their families during difficult times. They can be essential support and connection during the hospice process. 

At Ed & Ar Hospice Care, our staff works to provide the best possible care and support to our patients and their families, including through the use of e-kits tailored to their individual needs and preferences. Find Ed & Ar Hospice Care near you for the best hospice comfort kits, or contact us at +1 818-923-5002, a 24/7 service.


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